Friday, November 29, 2013

Top Tips for First Time Travellers

Travelling overseas for the first time is an extremely exciting time, but it’s also easy to be overwhelmed. One thing’s for certain, we will be stepping out of our comfort zone. But if we prepare well enough, that’s all part of the fun!

Follow this top tips and make sure you’re first time overseas is unforgettable.
  • Travel Insurance - Whilst travelling overseas is an exciting time, things can sometimes not go according to plan. Travel insurance is a must for any traveler. Make sure you do all your homework and choose an insurance policy that is best for you.
  • Pack light - Don't buy new clothes before you go, take your old stuff and throw it out as you travel to make room for all the new things you will most likely buy.
  • Photocopy all documents and make copies - Don't keep all your essential documents in the one folder in case you lose it. Photocopy all of your documents such as plane tickets, passport, visas, travel insurance, driving licence and make sure they are kept separate from the originals.
  • Research - Any experienced traveler will tell you that it is important to do your homework before you leave. Do as much research as possible on your destination before you leave, from the climate to local customs and traditions.
  • Turn off international roaming – Roaming charges can be very expensive and you could spend thousands of dollars without realizing it. Get a SIM card in the country or countries you are going to and save the agony of opening your bill when you get home.
  • Get vaccinated - If you're planning to spend time in remote parts of the third world, it is essential that you contact your local travel health clinic before you go. Make sure you’re vaccinated against all possible diseases as your health is your most valuable travel accessory.
  • Write it down - It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the new and exciting things you’re bound to experience your first time overseas. Have a small diary and makes notes of your favourite sites and how you felt that day. This will ensure you don’t forget your first time and is an excellent keepsakel.
  • Enjoy! - Travelling is an exciting mix of emotions to it’s important to have fun, stay safe and enjoy every minute.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The wet and wild side of Malaysia

There’s more than one Malaysia. There’s the modern, well-ordered state boasting the Petronas Towers, those twin rocket-ship behemoths in capital Kuala Lumpur. There’s bustling multicultural Malaysia, an ethnic and culinary mélange into which Malays, Chinese, Tamils and numerous indigenous groups contribute cuisines and customs. But there’s still – thankfully – wild, untamed Malaysia: jungle and reef, mountain and rain forest, river and ridge. Few countries in South-East Asia – or anywhere – match the range of opportunities for getting adventurous outdoors.

1. Dive the Semporna Archipelago, Sabah

Any spot described by scuba supremo Jacques Cousteau as ‘an untouched piece of art’ is pretty special. A submarine adventure around Sipadan – an elliptical island atop an oceanic pinnacle – takes the breath away: whale, hammerhead and reef sharks, manta rays, barracuda and turtles are regular dive buddies.

2. Surf the breaks of Cherating and Tioman Island

The swells of Indonesia to the south grab the headlines, but there’s ample action on Peninsula Malaysia’s east coast, too. Breaks around Cherating and off eastern Tioman see waves from across the South China hold five or six feet – plenty for both beginners and more-ambitious surfers.

3. Go batty in the caves of Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak

It’s a fine three-day trek through rainforest to the pinnacles, but the showpieces of the park are subterranean: the vast caverns, including the largest open to tourists – 2km-long Deer Cave. Come to discover what two million bats look (and smell) like.

4. Hike through the jungle of Endau-Rompin National Park

Tigers. Elephants. Tapirs. Leopards. Endangered Sumatran rhinos. They’re all here – though admittedly tricky to spot among the 870 sq km of lush lowland forest. A hike isn’t about ticking off species but, rather, camping in the primordial woodland, ducking under remote waterfalls, and watching for birdlife and monkeys.

5. Raft the Sungai Padas, Sabah

The Class I-II rapids of the Kiulu River are a mere nursery for the big adrenalin-pumper: Padas, with whitewater pushing III-IV over the 30km course. During breathers, grab the chance to gaze into the rainforest lining the river.

6. Wander among the tea plantations of Cameron Highlands

For a very English adventure – tea and strawberries: it could almost be Wimbledon – take to the trails around the hill station of Cameron Highlands. Amid the pleasingly geometric forms of the bushes of the tea plantations, stretch your legs in the cool high-level air for views of peaks and waterfalls.

7. Spot orang-utan from boat level on the Sungai Kinabatangan, Sabah

You could spot your ginger-mopped primate cousins at the rehabilitation centres of Sepilok or Semenggoh – but there’s nothing like delving into the jungle for some real wildlife-watching. Take an early morning boat ride on the Kinabatangan River for the chance of spotting shy pygmy elephants, proboscis monkeys and vivid birdlife.

8. Hike to the longhouses of the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak

The chance to meet the indigenous inhabitants of Borneo and stay in their traditional longhouses is one of the key reasons for trekking into the steamy interior. Headhunters they may no longer be, but meetings with Borneo’s tribespeople still offer unique insights into fast-eroding cultures.

9. Snorkel the reefs of the Perhentian Islands

These almost stereotypically tropical-paradise islands off the peninsula’s north-eastern coast tempt with sand and snorkelling. From the fine beaches it’s the work of a moment to don mask, snorkel and flippers and drift over colourful coral. The islands are also a great place to learn to scuba dive, with varied sites and reasonable prices.

10. Summit Mt Kinabalu, Sabah

This huge grey lump of granite, soaring to a sharp 4,095m peak, looms large over northern Borneo; the two-day climb requires steely determination to tackle hours of solid uphill – but dawn views across to the Philippines on a clear morning offset even the most burning thighs.

My New Addiction

I just can't stop listening to this song. It really gives me a positive vibe, good energy and it makes me smile. This is such a feel good song! 

Left Brain Vs. Right Brain: The Eye Opening Insights

If you are philosophical and have a way with people, what side of your brain do you use most of the time? Is it the left or the right? If you are always driven to achieve, and always ready with a to-do list, do you prefer your brain’s right portion or the left? How about when you are rational, or emotional? What side of your brain do you use? When you are drawn towards creative projects, or say, love tinkering with numbers? Are you inclined to use the right brain or the left? It would be nice to know why we are attracted to certain activities and why we avoid some, right?

What is the relevance of this information, anyway? This graphic produced by will shed light on the matter.

The Pros and Cons of Drinking Coffee

If you wake up in the morning and feel groggy, you might reach for coffee to help pep you up. Many people who drink coffee every morning thing of the drink as a godsend. But while drinking coffee can help you wake up, it might cause problems to you in other ways. It can cause changes in your sleep patterns, raise your blood pressure, stain your teeth and even make it more difficult to absorb certain vitamins and minerals.

Of course, there are other benefits to drinking coffee besides boosting your energy. It can also reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's, gallstones, cancer, strokes and other health problems. Plus, caffeine can also make certain pain killers, like aspirin, more effective.

Can Stress Kill You?

“In a busy world with unending work and responsibilities piling up, stress can get to the best of us. But, how bad is it for you really? Can stress actually kill you?”

Stress is a theme in most of our lives, but how dangerous is it really? The following video from AsapSCIENCE explains why we get stressed, how it works and whether it can really damage our health.

Stick around until 2:20 for the solution to stress!

Know someone who’s been feeling a little stressed lately? Share this video with them to let them know how stress works, what they’re doing to themselves and that you’re here to help.

10 Things To Remember When Everything Seems To Be Going Wrong

Problems and heartaches in life are inevitable. However, there are some things to remember when you’re right in the thick of it that can help you get through it. When everything seems to be going wrong, practice telling yourself these things.

1. This Too Shall Pass
Sometimes life’s rough patches feel like they’re going to last forever. Whether you’re dealing with work-related issues, family problems, or stressful situations, very few problems last for a lifetime. So remind yourself, that things won’t be this bad forever.

2. Some Things are Going Right
When things are going wrong, it’s hard to recognize what is going right. It’s easy to screen out the good things and only focus on the bad things. Remind yourself that some things are going right. Purposely look for the positive, even if it is something very small.

3. I Have Some Control
One of the most most important things to remember is that you have some control of the situation. Even if you aren't in complete control of the situation, one thing you can always control is your attitude and reaction. Focus on managing what is within your control.

4. I Can Ask for Help
Asking for help can be hard sometimes. However, it’s one of the best ways to deal with tough situations. Tell people what you need specifically if they offer to help. Don’t be afraid to call on friends and family and ask them for help, whether you need financial assistance, emotional support, or practical help.

5. Much of This Won’t Matter in a Few Years
Most of the problems we worry about today won’t actually matter five years from now. Remind yourself that whatever is going wrong now is only a small percentage of your actual life. Even if you’re dealing with a major problem, like a loved one’s illness, remember that a lot of good things are likely to happen in the course of a year or two as well.

6. I Can Handle This
A lack of confidence in handling tough times can add to stress. One of the best things to remember is that you can handle tough situations. Even though you might feel angry, hurt, disappointed, or sad, it won’t kill you. You can get through it.

7. Something Good Will Come Out of This
No matter how bad a situation is, it’s almost certain that something good will come out of it. At the very least, it’s likely that you will learn a life lesson. Perhaps you learn not to repeat the same mistake in the future or maybe you move on from a bad situation and find something better. Look for the one good thing that can result when bad things happen.

8. I Can Accept What’s Out of my Control
There are many things that aren't within your control. You can’t change the past, another person’s behavior, or a loved one’s health issues. Don’t waste time trying to force others to change or trying to make things be different if it isn't within your control. Investing time and energy into trying to things you can’t will cause you to feel helpless and exhausted. Acceptance is one of the best way to establish resilience.

9. I Have Overcome Past Difficulties
One of the things to remember when you’re facing difficulties, is that you've handled problems in the past. Don’t overlook past difficulties that you've dealt with successfully. Remind yourself of all the past problems you've overcome and you’ll gain confidence in dealing with the current issues.

10. I Need to Take Care of Myself
When everything seems to be going wrong, take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, get some exercise, eat healthy, and spend some time doing leisure activities. When you’re taking better care of yourself you’ll be better equipped to deal with your problems.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why Green Tea?

Well, I'm not a green tea drinker. But to be honest, the real reason I want to try to drink it because of the benefits. Here's a list of some of its amazing benefits. Benefits that you may not have been aware of. As for now, I've been trying Boh Green Tea.

1.  Weight Loss. Green tea increases the metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories.

2.  Diabetes. Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage.

3.  Heart Disease. Scientists think green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, helping keep them stay relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure. It may also protect against the formation of clots, which are the primary cause of heart attacks. 

4.  Esophageal Cancer. It can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer, but it is also widely thought to kill cancer cells in general without damaging the healthy tissue around them. 

5.  Cholesterol. Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. 

6.  Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies carried out on mice showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells. 

7.  Tooth Decay. Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions 

8.  Blood Pressure. Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. 

9.  Depression. Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be a great benefit to tea drinkers. 

10.  Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial. Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which make them effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. In some studies green tea has been shown to inhibit the spread of many diseases. 

11.  Skincare. Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging, This is because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Both animal and human studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage.

These are some of the many benefits but the reality is one cup of tea a day will not give you all the abundant gains. But it is worth trying for. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reasons To Love The Skin You're In!

  • Remember you're the only one of you there is!
Yes. You're totally unique and that's pretty awesome! Celebrate being you. There's no right or wrong way to look, we're all individuals.

  • Embrace being young!
Ok, so your parents constantly telling you about appreciating your youthful skin and non-achy joints may be slightly annoying, but there's no denying it's true. Enjoy it!

  • Dress to suit your shape! 
The key to feeling confident is feeling comfortable and not every trend is right for every body shape. Make sure you look and feel your best by wearing things YOU want to wear. 

  • Eat healthily! 
Not only can eating natural, healthy foods make you actually feel happier but they'll keep your body looking and feeling great, too. Avoid junk food and fizzy drinks, which can make you feel sluggish and lazy. 

  • Shake off the haters! 
Nobody has a right to make you feel bad about yourself, so avoid anyone who brings you down. It can be hard, but try not to let any nasty comments get to you, and confide in your friends or family if you are feeling a bit down. A problem halved is a problem shared, and all that. 

  • LAUGH! 
Laughing really is the best medicine and there's nothing like giggling with your friends until you can hardly breathe to make you feel awesome. Also, what's prettier than a smiley girl? EXACTLY. 

  • Focus on the things you like about yourself! 
It's all about a positive mental attitude. Rather than obsessing over things you'd like to change about yourself, focus on the things you DO like. The more confident you feel about yourself, the more confident you'll appear to others—and confidence IS attractive. 

  • Have a sharing chit chat with your friends! 
It may sound cheesy, but if you sit down with your besties and have a chat about body confidence, you'll realize that everyone worries about the way they look. You might think your BFF is perfect in every way only to find out she hates her hair and thinks her boobs are too small. It helps to realize you're not the only one who worries. 

  • Exercise! 
Exercise releases endorphin's, and endorphin's make you happy! Keeping active will also ensure that your body stays healthy and always important when it comes to loving the skin you're in!

Credit to

Tips and Tricks For Dressing

As if getting dressed in the morning wasn't enough for a challenge, when you're really tall or really small, hunting for clothes that FIT and look COOL can be tricky!  So, for petite girls out there, this is for you! And for me! And for US! Finally. 

For petite girls :
  • Think twice about floaty frock.
Boyfriend cuts can look great on petite gals, but be careful when going for the baggy shifts and pouffy skirts with loads of excess volume as it can end up swamping your frame and make you look smaller than you are. That said, if you do like a bit of volume in your clothes, make sure it's got a tailored fit at the waist and shoulders to give you a bit of definition.

  • The high-waist is your new best friend.
Not many people are lucky enough to be able to pull-off high-waisted trousers and skirts, but they look fabulous on all you petite girls so definitely don't be afraid to rock the look. Tucking in your tops and highlighting the waist it creates with a belt can also be a nifty tricks for elongating your legs too!

  • Less is more.
Avoid fuss and clutter when it comes to pockets, pleats and ruffles as all it will do is distract from the smooth line of your clothes, which is the thing that'll elongate you.

  • Go pale.
I have no idea why this is, but pale denim is a wonder fabric and makes you look taller. Try it and see!

  • Shop petite.
In exactly the same way tall girls should check out the tall section, if you're under 5'3" then the petite section is about to become your new home. Alternatively, if you're handy with a needle and thread and like a challenge, don't be afraid to play with hemlines and lengths yourself to put things back in perspective.