- Remember you're the only one of you there is!
- Embrace being young!
- Dress to suit your shape!
The key to feeling confident is feeling comfortable and not every trend is right for every body shape. Make sure you look and feel your best by wearing things YOU want to wear.
- Eat healthily!
- Shake off the haters!
Nobody has a right to make you feel bad about yourself, so avoid anyone who brings you down. It can be hard, but try not to let any nasty comments get to you, and confide in your friends or family if you are feeling a bit down. A problem halved is a problem shared, and all that.
- Focus on the things you like about yourself!
It's all about a positive mental attitude. Rather than obsessing over things you'd like to change about yourself, focus on the things you DO like. The more confident you feel about yourself, the more confident you'll appear to others—and confidence IS attractive.
- Have a sharing chit chat with your friends!
- Exercise!
Exercise releases endorphin's, and endorphin's make you happy! Keeping active will also ensure that your body stays healthy and always important when it comes to loving the skin you're in!
Credit to Seventeen.com
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